Traveling with babies and toddlers is nothing short of an adventure. Yes, it can be exhausting and nerve-racking, but it is also the biggest joy. We did a total of 28 flights and 5 continents with our first child, before he even turned! We now have 5 children, and we still seem to be increasing our travel plans every year. Needless to say, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks along the way which I’m excited to share with you. There is a lot of information that I want to…
I definitely felt the switch when we welcomed our third child into the family. Suddenly we were a ‘big’ family. Now we have five children and a lot of our daily routines and organizational habits, have become absolute second nature for me, that I do not even notice I am doing them in a certain way.
Being organized is key to me feeling capable. Being fit is key to me feeling energized. Being supported is key to me feeling strong. And living in a clean and ascetically beautiful space is key to me feeling calm. My Top 10 Tips on staying Organized as a Busy Mama.